Noah and the whale

Har ni hört att Laura Marling sjunger tillsammans med Noah and the whale? Det kan bara bli g r y m t och det blir det också.
Speciellt Five years in time
Laura marlings singel Candelight är också riktigt bra!

Ben Folds Five.
När jag blir stor ska jag gifta mig med en man som skriver underbara sånger till mina barn. punkt slut.
Ben Folds med Ben Folds Five - Still Fighting it. (Han har skrivit den till sin son)
Good morning, son.
I am a bird
Wearing a brown polyester shirt
Would you like a coke?
Maybe some fries?
The roast beef combo's only $9.95
It's okay, you don't have to pay
I've got all the change
Everybody knows
It hurts to grow up
And everybody does
It's so weird to be back here
Let me tell you what
The years go on and
We're still fighting it, we're still fighting it
And you're so much like me
I'm sorry
Good morning, son
In twenty years from now
Maybe we'll both sit down and have a few beers
And I can tell you 'bout today
And how I picked you up and everything changed
It was pain
Sunny days and rain
I knew you'd feel the same things
Everybody knows
It sucks to grow up
And everybody does
It's so weird to be back here.
Let me tell you what
The years go on and
We're still fighting it, we're still fighting it
You'll try and try and one day you'll fly
Away from me
Good morning, son
I am a bird
It was pain
Sunny days and rain
I knew you'd feel the same things
Everybody knows
It hurts to grow up
And everybody does
It's so weird to be back here.
Let me tell you what
The years go on and
We're still fighting it, we're still fighting it
Oh, we're still fighting it, we're still fighting it
And you're so much like me
dam dam.
Just nu finns inget bättre, speciellt eftersom det regnar ute.


Ni har säkert hört om The Cranberries, iallafall är det en grupp som
Var rätt ny på stenåldern, haha,. Men låtarna funkar iallafall lika bra
än idag, speciellt när man har haft en dålig dag eller kanske måste
städa ;D
Den bästa av dom bästa heter iallafall
Kiss me - The Cranberries

Det är säkert ingen som har ungått Regina Spectors "Samson" som plågas på radion nu förtiden, men lyssna på hennes andra låtar som faktiskt håller precis lika hög klass som "Samson". Tips är "Better" och "US". Perfekta tisdags låtar!
You are my sweetest downfall
I loved you first, I loved you first
Beneath the stars came fallin' on our heads
But they're just old light, they're just old light
Your hair was long when we first met
Please Don't stop the music

Everywhere - Michele Branch
Closer - Joshua Radin
The Con - Tegan and Sara
Naive - Lilly Allen